Members' Page

Internal Competition Rules

(Revised June 2024)

1. To enter competitions, members must have paid their annual subscriptions.

2. There are three classes of entries at each Club competition: Colour Prints, Monochrome (Black and White) Prints and Projected Images (Digital Images). You may submit up to two images in each class of prints and three digital images in the Projected Image class (see points 11-13 below for more details).

3. All entries must be original pictures that are the work of the author, and if entered in a Club Competition should not have previously been entered in a Club Competition as either a print or projected image. The image may be used in a Club Competition if it has previously been used in a Cup Competition, an inter-Club Battle or a CACC (Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs) Competition. The use of copyright-free material in digital images is not permitted.

4. Images must be essentially photographic and a photographic process must feature significantly in the creation of the image. Manipulation (such as Photoshop) of digital images is perfectly acceptable. However, images that are created purely by computer software are not acceptable.

5. Titles to be provided with all entries; titles will be read out as each image is displayed. If no title has been given, it will be referred to as “untitled”. For prints, please ensure you have indicated on the back of each of your submissions (a) title of print, (b) your name and (c) a directional arrow indicating “UP” so the image will be correctly displayed.

6. Digital Images are to be submitted in jpeg format only, preferably by email and resized to a maximum dimension of 1400 pixels on the horizontal and 1050 pixels on the vertical in order to project at their best resolution. There is a tutorial for download on the Tutorial page of this web site. Digital Images submitted that are too large for the Club computer to process quickly for projection will be resized by the Competition Secretary. The Digital Competition Secretary will accept delivery to his home of images (preferably correctly sized) on a memory card or memory stick, by prior arrangement. Images must be with the Digital Competition Secretary no later than the Friday prior to the competition. No late entries will be accepted.

7. Unless otherwise indicated, prints may be of any size and should preferably be mounted. Authors should however bear the following in mind:
a. Only mounted prints will be used for external competitions.
b. Prints in mounts larger than 16” × 20” (40cm × 50cm) will be ineligible for use in CACC, PAGB (Photographic Alliance of Great Britain) and possibly other events.
c. The Club is unable to offer any safe means of transporting or storing any material larger than 18” × 27” (47cm × 68.5cm). Print entries must be clearly marked on the reverse with the author’s name and a title. This will also be used to indicate the correct viewing orientation. (The title will be read out during the judging.)

8. Unless otherwise notified, titles of entries to print competitions, and their entry category (colour or monochrome) are to be supplied (emailed) to the Competition Secretary no later than the Friday prior to the competition. The prints themselves should be brought along to the meeting on the week prior to the competition and handed to the Competition Secretary. An entrant who is unable to attend the previous meeting should make whatever arrangements are necessary to ensure that their entry is available in good time.

9. Judges will award marks out of twenty for each image. The results will be recorded to form a league table of entrants. At the end of the year in Club Print competitions only, the lowest two scores will not be counted towards each total. This gives individuals an opportunity to compete if they miss a competition entry. The member with the highest score for colour prints will be awarded the Jon Orme Cup. The member with the highest score for mono prints will be awarded the Maurice Baker Shield

10. Projected Images (Digital Images). Unless otherwise notified, each member may enter a maximum of two digital images in each standard Club competition. The digital images may be of any age, may be home or trade processed, but must not be a copy, or a near copy, of any other image used in a previous Club competition (either in Print OR Digital). Unless otherwise notified the entries may be of any subject and will be judged in the “Open” category. At the end of the year, the member with the highest score from their best six images will be awarded the Abbey Shield.

11. Colour Prints. Unless otherwise notified, each member may enter a maximum of two colour prints in each standard Club competition. The prints, which must be produced in a colour medium, may be of any age, may be home or trade processed, may comprise more than one individual print on a single mount, but must not be a copy, or a near copy, of any other image used in a previous Club competition (either in Print OR Digital). Unless otherwise notified, entries may be of any subject and will be judged in the “Open” category.

12. Monochrome (Black and White) Prints. Unless otherwise notified, each member may enter a maximum of two monochrome prints in each standard Club competition. The prints must be mounted and produced on a single sheet of monochrome photographic paper and may be toned. The prints may be of any age, may be home or trade processed, but must not be produced from an image (or near-identical copy thereof) used to produce another entry to a Club monochrome print competition. Unless otherwise notified the entries may be of any subject and will be judged in the “Open” category.

13 The Improvers' League. For all members who feel less experienced or less confident in entering the main print and PDI competitions we also run parallel competitions for "Improvers". The Club encourages all members to enter either the Main league or Improvers' League competitions.

14. Annual Competitions: There are several internal competitions that Abingdon Camera Club traditionally holds throughout the year. They are as follows:

(A) Image of the Year Competition. Each member may enter a maximum of two digital images, two colour prints and two monochrome prints of any subject. All images submitted must represent new work, preferably taken during the last 12 months. Specifically, no image should have appeared in any event or publication more than 1 year before the competition, nor should it have previously been used in an event organised by a PAGB affiliated body, other than during the current competition year. The entries will be judged in the “Open” category and the winner of the Colour Print competition will be presented with the President’s Cup. The winner of the Mono Print competition will be presented with Arthur Morgan Cup. Subject to ratification by the Committee, the winning image will be entered into the CACC Image of the Year Competition for the Norman Wadsworth Silver Trophy.

(B) Three-on-a-Theme Competition. Each member may enter a maximum of two sets of digital images and two sets of prints (monochrome or colour) of any subject matter. Each set shall consist of 3 images or 3 prints to be viewed together in a side-by-side arrangement. Authors must clearly indicate the positioning and orientation of each image within the arrangement (eg, L-left, C-centre, R-right). No image or print must have been used in any previous Three-on-a-Theme Competition. Entries will be judged as sets in the “Open” category. The Broadhurst Trophy will be awarded for the winning DPI set. The Roberts Trophy will be awarded for the winning Colour print set. The Three on a Theme, Monochrome Prints Trophy will be awarded for the winning Monochrome/Black and White print set.

(C) 6×4 Competition. This competition tests a photographer’s ability to take a series of photographs, within a restricted space and time, and under what may be less than ideal conditions. The location and time-frame will be chosen and those attending on the given evening are invited to submit the results of their photographic foray for judging at a future club evening to be announced in advance. Photographs taken at the same time, but on an adjacent day may be entered at the discretion of the Competition Secretary. Entrants to this competition are invited to submit one or more sets of (maximum) five 6” x 4” images mounted on a board. There is no trophy, as yet, for this Competition.